1945 (USA)
Contains mild spoilers.
For a low budget
1945 horror comedy b-movie with sets, actors and characters aped directly from
I Walked With a Zombie and Revenge of the Zombies, a puerile derivative mad
scientist story and the poor man's Albert and Costello (Brown and Carney)
Zombies on Broadway is surprisingly charming, funny and hard not to like. The
key to this success I feel is the fact at no time while watching did I remotely
come close to taking any of it seriously, and I think that's exactly what
directors Gordon Dines and Gordon M. Douglas wanted.

Zombies on Broadway
or Loonies on Broadway as it was called in the UK, if anything is a light
hearted slapstick parody of the aforementioned more serious attempts at
rehashing the colonial mad scientist / Haitian voodoo story. Comedy wasn't
necessarily new;
King of the Zombies and
Revenge of the Zombies had Mantan
Moreland to provide comic relief but the story and characters were still played
straight. Zombies on Broadway is full on unabashed farce from beginning to end.
Ace Miller (Sheldon
Leonard), nightclub owner and ex-gangster has hired Jerry Miles (Wally Brown)
and Mike Strager (Alan Carney), two bumbling press agents to promote the
opening of his new club The Zombie Hut. The problem for Ace is the two idiots
have gone ahead publicising tat there will be a real live zombie (a contradiction in
terms?) present and the talcum powdered actor they've hired won't cut it. Cue,
Jerry and Mike taking a trip to a museum where they're told about Professor
Paul Renault (Béla Lugosi), a prominent zombie expert now living on St.
Sebastian in the Canary Islands, Ace putting them at gun point on the first banana boat and the two guys having quite the madcap escapade.

The story is nothing
we've not already seen. Professor Renault is of course the evil mad scientist
working on perfecting the zombie formula, the two oafs stumble around upsetting
the islanders asking too many questions and somewhere along the way they get a
dame, a broad, a canary, I mean a girl (Anne Jeffreys as Jean La Danse) to
help. There's a naivety and innocence in Seventy year old b-movie films
you just don't see any more. Wrong hands are held, people black-up and pretend
they're voodoo dancers, monkeys slam drawers into peoples knees, and a minute
doesn't go by without a joke that relies on one person (Mike) seeing something
(a zombie) only for it to be gone before someone else (Jerry) can corroborate.
Yes I did say people black-up; naive innocence remember. It's light heated, fun
and hard not to laugh along with Brown and Carney's silliness. Even Béla
Lugosi can't resist getting in on the action with a slapstick fights and some quite daft
Darby Jones reprises
his role as head zombie (Calaga) from
I Walked With a Zombie. Professor Renault
explains how he took him from the locals not long after arriving on the island,
some twenty years ago and how in all that time his deceased body hasn't deteriorated
one bit. Calaga was a product of local Voodoo and magic and an island native
and Renault's aim is to reproduce this island's zombification but with science and western
methodology. It's never explained why he wants to learn the secret of zombies;
there's no girl to be saved or world to be conquered; he's an evil scientist
parody and it doesn't really matter. What we do know, is he's close to
perfecting his formula and all he needs if a few more specimens to test on;
which is fortunate as two guys are about to come knocking.

zombification comes in a syringe in liquid form. Once injected, the heart
stops, and a person is put in a state of suspended animation
unable to feel pain and under the total
control of another's thoughts and suggestions. Unlike Calaga, who seems to share some psychic bond with his master (although this doesn't appear to be absolute), the zombies made with
Reanult's formula seem to be controllable by the person making the most noise. Oh, and like he said, it's also not
perfect and only lasts a few days; after which, one can be revived, by say, seeing a pretty
dancer in a revealing costume and everything's back to normal, pulse and all.
Brown and Carney are
no Abbot and Costello or Laurel and Hardy but they play their exaggerated silly
charters well and the banter is always perfectly timed and natural. Béla Lugosi
steals every scene he's in, though this isn't as many as would normally justify
top billing (though after his eyes alone getting a cover mention on
Revolt of the Zombies, I don't know why I'm so surprised), and he's ever so nearly beaten
by quite the comedy monkey that takes over half way through. Over-all it's hard
not really like this silly little film; it's inoffensive, innocent and good
natured, and well shot, well-paced and never dull;
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