2010 (Canada)
Contains spoilers.
It's quite hard to
describe exactly what director/writer Reese Eveneshen's Dead Genesis is. It's
not really an action film despite there being quite a lot shooting and killing,
it's not a horror albeit what's on display is deliberately provocative, distasteful and shocking, it's certainly not a comedy or romance
and despite being mainly set 231 days after the initial outbreak with society finally beginning to rebuild itself with what dwindling numbers, resources and
state control they have, it's not really an apocalyptic survival story. I guess
the best way to describe Dead Genesis is a personal character drama dealing with the horrors of the war, the trauma of seeing loved ones die, and the continuing stress and unpleasantness of having to deal with a remaining undead threat, that was once someone's loved ones too.

A series of
visceral, dark and harrowing sequential scenes charts the timeline of the world
up to the 231 days later that's the start of the main narrative. It's highly stylised
and evocative and blends both the highly personal narrative with the standard
expansive Romero news-reel shots to tell us, what is in effect quite the usual
zombie origin story. Panic, confusion, breakdown of government, of wider
civilisation and lots of the dead up and at 'em. At day 96 things get mixed
up. Seemingly, like with previous pandemics, with dwindling people to continue
the spread, the problem reaches critical mass and the tide turns. New Media
Corporation is set up to promote the idea the worst days are behind and begins
to broadcast not just hope to the population of America, but wider debate on
what to do with the remaining zombie menace.
Now, Dead Genesis,
as well as being a personal character narrative also attempts to engage the viewer
with the complex and moral issue of the ambiguity of war. With the
establishment of local zombie hunting parties sweeping the countryside
dispatching all the undead they can point their guns at, there's also an
anti-hunting lobby promoting the idea we should stop the killing and remember
who these people once were. It's a theme played with the whole film and I can
get behind an exposition into the trauma experienced by those who have found
themselves responsible for cleaning the whole mess up, but problem is, at no
point during the film could I quite buy in to the notion why for a
society desperately trying to rebuild, not killing the plethora of murderous
rampaging flesh eaters still shuffling about, wasn't the right thing to do.

It's day 231 and
Jillian Hurst (Emily Alatalo), a reporter for the New Media Corporation is sent
to document one such mercenary band, the self proclaimed Dead Heads lead by
Korvin (Colin Paradine). The plan is for her to spend a couple days with the
rag tag assortment of civilians, interview them, film them in action and push
something on the US that promotes their mission. Whilst the days don't go
by without any action and the odd bit of death, she does complete her piece, she
does return back to 'civilisation' and the world carries on as if none of the
events she witnessed happened. As said, for Dead Genesis the zombies are really
no longer a physical threat; the problem is the effect constant and continued
death is having on the survivors' psyches. The journey Jillian goes on is one
of discovery, with her entering the optimistic wide eyed innocent and coming
out the war weary realist; and while I can see what it's all trying to do, and
even respect the direction it's trying to tackle in what is a very repeated story
line, it just doesn't quite pull it off.
The thing with
character dramas is they've got to have really good and believable characters.
Jillian's transformation comes across all a bit too easy and the horror and
action she witnesses that enables it all, a bit too convenient. A dodgy bar with
zombie prostitutes to be abused, a young boy being caught by a stray bullet;
good scenes in themselves but somehow watered down and a bit obvious, when
they're really just being used as aids to gnaw her naivety away. The film has her interview the varied angst ridden, self-recriminating, confused, lost and broken members of the gang, for back-story, and they're not all cliché but they all too often conform to a stereotype for convenience when the pressure rises. Also for a group of
grizzled veterans that supposedly spend all their time killing and sleeping rough, they're all a little too well groomed and
fresh faced.

The zombies are your
straight Romero Western zombie trope. They shuffle about, groan and snarl and
they go for the guts. They've used the bit from Romero / The Walking Dead that implies
we're all infected and a bite isn't necessary for turning, but this was only
shown once so I won't take it as gospel. They're reasonably well made up for a low budget affair and do the job, but the gore and blood effects that are fleetingly used are surprisingly shocking and effective, especially during
the opening sequences. I also felt the use of these flashing gratuitous
interrupts actually worked well as a contrast to Eveneshen's drab depressed portrayal of day to day existence.
It's well shot and
directed, the score is moody and appropriate and the dialogue tight. The
problem is it all feels a bit superficial and ponderous. Emily Alatalo as with
the rest of the cast put in fine performances but her character as a naive
little innocent just isn't all that tenable, nor is the notion a movement that
wants to spare the zombies a mere seven months after they kill most the Earth's
population would be able to get prime time coverage on the only world media
channel. I also want to mention the
awful pixilation and strange compression artefacts to what would otherwise have
been, I believe, quite the sharp picture as if I watching some dodgy zipped
torrent rather than the original DVD. A nice attempt at something original with
some memorable moments, it just doesn't quite hold together with derivative action scenes and a meandering character development that feels a bit laboured, 5/10.
As a Canadian, I'd like to see this. As a zombie fan, I'm not so sure.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny, I just knew this film was Canadian before I even looked it up.
DeleteThanks for the review, well written and well thought out! A nice introspective and respectful critique on the film WITH actual reasons and explanations as to what you didn't like. I like that!
ReplyDeleteA little side note though, this was written and shot a year or two before The Walking Dead was on TV, and far as I recall, the TV show had not even been announced yet. The whole bit about people turning into zombies without being bit comes directly from the Romero films :)
- Reese
Many thanks for the comments and you're right! I did know that but think my choice of words could have been better :)