2010 included on Ultimate Horror Classics SD Blu-ray R(All)
Contains spoilers.
Ok, now. The Last
Man on Earth directed by Ubaldo Ragona and Sidney Salkow is the closest
cinematic adaptation we've got of Richard Mathesons 1954 novel I Am Legend
and I know what you're going to say, and
yes you're right but I still think there's enough ambiguity for it to warrant a
Vincent Price as Dr.
Robert Morgan has witnessed the end of the world. An apocalyptic plague has
swept humanity aside leaving him alone to deal with not only the trials of
mundanity and acute loneliness but also the fact that everyone else has
returned from the dead as vampires. So, three years on we find Morgan spending
his days securing his house, sourcing supplies and methodically working his way
through the city staking sleeping vampires and during the nights drowning out
his paranoia and the provocation from outside by listening to loud music and
drinking heavily.

As one watches the
undead monotonously chant Morgan's name and shamble about outside his house
every night pathetically trying to force entry one instantly recalls the siege
of the farmhouse in Night of the Living Dead. They both have a rudimentary use
of tools to bash, and can throw stones and turn handles, both are easy to run
away from and both hanker for human flesh. For all intents and purposes if it
wasn't for the aforementioned vampire shunning paraphernalia their behaviour
and mannerisms are zombie as is the viral pandemic manner in which they became
infected. I'm really quite torn. Yes, they are vampires, Matheson said so, as
does Morgan in the film but as I watched I couldn't help think how important
this undead variant was in helping to establish and mould the zombie that's in
mainstream consciousness today. It almost comes down to how one defines a
zombie and whether the term vampire and zombie have to be mutually exclusive.

Whilst it is the
closest we've come to an accurate adaptation of I Am Legend; The Omega Man in 1971, and I Am Legend in
2007, being the other two, it still digresses quite heavily in places,
especially at end and the way in which Morgan reaches his fate. For one reason
or another the directors felt a more action oriented climax was needed but it
feels out of place and Price never seems convincing as the action hero as he
fights off dozens of armed vampire soldiers firing guns and throwing smoke
grenades, and for all the extra razzmatazz it ultimately ends up missing the
subtlety and gravitas of the original climax.

So I'm going to leave it for the viewer to
ultimately make their own mind up whether they're vampires or zombies, or both,
or neither but at least I hope the zombie aficionado will recognise enough to
see the heavy influence on the genre. The film is a solid attempt at adapting
the book with only a few silly decisions holding it back from fully realising
it. It's still a very well put together, engrossing film that has aged
extremely well. Like films of its time the make-up and effects are minimal much
like that in Night of the Living Dead and like Romero's iconic masterpiece this
doesn't detract as the horror and tension are driven by constantly evocative
scenes and imagery. A recommendation for the zombie or vampire fan, 8/10.
I think the inference was that Ruth and the others were infected but hadn't died and the vaccine held death off (or maybe I'm just reading too much of the novel into it) - so they were like living vampires. Those that died and returned were more the shambling dead... so where do we draw the line.
ReplyDeleteClearly Matheson inspired Romero and so vampires can be said to be the progenitor of the modern "Romero" zombie flick. To a degree, then, are zombies just unintelligent (and maybe rotting) vampires? No, not really, as the zombie became a distinctive and valid genre of its own...
But there are many cross over examples (to one degree or another) and I think the term zompire is rather legitimate.
As to this film, there is an excellent colourised version - I look at here and, did you know that this was meant to be a Hammer film but the BBFC told Hammer that they wouldn't give it a certificate if they made it. Matheson disliked the final film so much that he had his name changed to an alias, Logan Swanson, in the screenplay credits - a shame as this is the closest anyone has come to actually transferring his novel to film.
Totally agree; I think its influence on Romero and NOTLD can't be overstated enough and as I lay in bed last night putting together what I thought were the most important zombie films of all time I actually concluded this may well be #1 above NOTLD and White Zombie.
ReplyDeleteInteresting re. Ruth and the others not actually being dead, I saw it as they'd died with the vaccine holding off the less desirable symptoms of being a zompire. I'll have to take another look!
There are so many variations on zombies from voodoo to flesh eating ghouls, that I've given up trying to really define it, and just go with my gut. My gut says ZOMBIE. But then again, I'm biased. Great review for a great film.
Thanks and totally agree with you. I was even thinking about Mary Shelley's Frankenstein the other day and whether that has a place in the whole thing. WTD