Contains spoilers.
Before we start I
want to get one thing off my chest. I went into this thinking I was getting
something pretty much hot off the press . It was released here a week ago, and
even appeared on the NEW shelf at my local supermarket. It was ten or so
minutes in, tablet on lap and a half glance at the Amazon review page that I
saw those words that are becoming all too familiar and even jading my
appreciation of the budget amateur horror scene; 'also released under the
name'. It's happening all too often. Take a film that hasn't done particularly
well, spend a few pounds tarting it up with all new and totally irrelevant box
art, give it a new catchy name then throw it out on an unsuspecting audience
that's lapping up all things Z in Brad Pitt's wake. I know why publishers are
doing it; it's just cynical, exploitative and I don't care much for the
practice. I also swear it's only going to be a matter of time before I
spend too much money on something I
already own and then if you think this rant's bad, I'll fucking explode.

Dexter Fletcher is
Michael, a high school lecturer who had to watch his entire class spew blood,
splutter and die in front of him in a matter of moments. Dickon Tolson is Carl;
a devoted father and husband aimlessly wandering the streets after leaving the corpses of his family
to rot in their home. It's true and total viral apocalypse and the few
survivors that are left are lost, confused and emotionally
It's a slow burn.
Director Steven Rumbelow paints a good desolate post apocalyptic landscape, the
streets are strewn with bodies, vehicles burn and there's an eerie atmosphere
to a cityscape devoid of all human activity. The disparate group Michael and Carl
find themselves hiding away with are in total shock unable to agree what course
of action should be taken and unwilling to accept the full extent of the what
might have happened. They've just about agreed on what they're arguing about
when the dead stand up and there's a far
bigger issue to deal with.

As I said, for the
bulk of the film the zombies aren't the threat; well that's not strictly true.
Michael and few of the group are concerned about them, but only in that they
are still technically dead and rotting and they know enough about disease to want
to get out of the city before they catch something really nasty. There's a bit of macho
posturing as the disparate group try to establish rank but it comes to little,
Michael and Carl get away, they're joined by Emma (Lana Kamenov) and they find
themselves an isolated pretty little rural farmhouse to call home. It
ultimately proves to have been the wiser choice too as the dead getting to
their feet seems to have been just the start of it all.

The zombies are well made up with dark blackened rotting
visages and their transformation from recently deceased to spoilt-meat is
convincing and bleak. Rumbelow may be good at picturing the end of the world
but what's apparent is he struggles with action. Constant over use of blurry
slowed or speeded film, off frame focus, and poor special effects; it's all a
bit of an artistic and technical confusing mess, not helped by having, as said
earlier, some appalling sound and film capture.
I can really
understand why so many were left deeply unimpressed with Rumbelow's zombie
foray. The action takes a long time to come and when it does it's flawed and
deeply underwhelming. The narrative and dialogue is all also bit tempered and
the times the story does branch out it all feels a bit clumsy and forced. But,
taken as a bleak post apocalyptic character driven story that just happens to
have zombies in, rather than a zombie horror that happens to be post
apocalyptic there's a lot to commend. I've also been led to believe the prosaic
survival emphasis and slow pace is a deliberate consequence of faithfully
following the first book, and all in all I quite liked the change in pace from
the day to day blood shed and carnage I put myself through. One final thought.
I kind of felt Dead Men Walking was actually quite a poignant and fitting title. From
start to finish I couldn't help but see the survivors as those who were the ones actually dead inside; lost, withdrawn without hope or direction and it was
their journey, and their competent portrayal that drove the film. I would
really have liked to see a sequel, perhaps with a new director, but as that
doesn't look particularly likely I'll have to make do with the real thing (the
books) and for that alone I won't be too hard on the film, 4/10.
Have you seen The Battery? It's similarly lacking in action, but focuses primarily on the interaction of two not-quite-good friends with very different mindsets as to how to continue on in a zombified world. You might like it.
ReplyDeleteI've not come across this one but I will! Cheers.
DeleteI thought the film was actually called Autumn. At least, on Netflix it was...
ReplyDeleteI thought it was SERIOUSLY long.