Contains mild spoilers.
Plaga Zombie,
translated, Zombie Plague, is a quite frankly atrocious, amateurish,
over-the-top Dead Alive (Braindead) want-to-be made by some punk-ass Argentinian kids who look like they just wanted to hang out with their mates
and see how far they could push the boundaries of taste and decency. It also goes to show what
can be achieved with passion, ingenuity and unquestionable ability as, for a
film that purports to have been made for just $120, it's audaciously
breathtaking, vibrant and quite brilliant, putting to shame a lot of films with
hundred times the budget.

The best way to
describe the bizarre alien parasitically possessed zombies of Plaga Zombies is
to take the traditional 80s Romero shuffling walking dead, throw all hues of
garish multi-coloured paints over them and have them act with all the playful
sadistic mischievousness of the Gremlins from the film of their namesake.
They're like a pack of rabid bloodthirsty m&ms; there's blue ones, green ones, red and
yellow ones, their look and feel is cheap, chintzy, artificial and in
excess they're violently sickening. Whether they're playing poker, phoning for
pizza, or vomiting in a victims mouths they're very
much the vehicle for the next original sick joke or wantonly gratuitous
exploitation. They're appearance and behaviour perfectly mirrors the absurdity
and excesses of the story, the development of the characters and the acting.

Like Peter Jackson,
Parés and Sáez have a real eye for making the excessive and obscene farcical
and fun so that the audience feels in on the joke and not sickened by sadistic
indulgence. Full of imagination and energy Plaga Zombie is a delight to watch,
the action carries the story and acting but does so with gusto and flare and
for such a small budget, and obviously filmed with what equipment they could
get their hands on, the result are coherent and Parés and Sáez, for new directors capture the daftness with style, skill and many moments of inventive flair. Plaga Zombie is not going to win any
awards but look past the poor film capture there's a zany classic for those
that want more over the top horror comedy and more films that understand what it means to use truly excessive quantities of blood. I've come away genuinely wanting to see what these guys could do with slightly more money; which is fortunate as my disc came with their second foray, Plaga Zombie:
Mutant Zone, recommended, 7/10.
I've been wanting to watch both of these for a long time... Reading this, I definitely should find a way. Thanks!