Contains mild spoilers.
"This is so the
Breakfast Club", my wife commented, "They've even taken whole
scenes and lines." Now, I've not watched The Breakfast Club as back when
it was released I was ten or so, and more interested in running around skidding
on my knees shouting pew pew than watching teen angst ridden romantic indulgence. Then the years since I've never really felt the need to catch up; probably because that
young boy grew testicles. "You should watch it, for research," she
commented at the shrug of my shoulders. "But I don't have to now" I replied "because
you've told me this is The Breakfast Club and this one has zombies in
it." She had no reply to this of course, smiled and nodded. So... my point is, this
is The Breakfast Club with zombies, and it even says so on the cover, but
you're going to have to take my wife's word for it, not mine.

It's light, it's
airy, full of all the bright clean colours of US high school life and it never
takes itself seriously. There's plenty
of infantile and throwaway jokes and dialogue, with humour and playful a constant theme to the many extravagant and gratuitous scenes of gore and flesh ripping. There's a
little bit of satire scattered here and there but the narrative never tries too hard to come across clever or insightful.
Director / writer Alex Craig Mann has done a more than competent job imbuing
the action with a teen audience look and feel and has picked a
suitably light youthful soundtrack to accompany the gut munching and high
school shenanigans that never allows the pace to lull.

Detention of the
Dead is what it is, a Saturday night spectacle suitable for partners and mates
with pizza on the coffee table and beer in hand. It also made a nice change to
watch something openly with my wife rather than skulking off shamefully to some
exploitative thirty year old nonsense I'd probably not openly to admit to
liking as much as I do. Yes it's superficial, deliberately derivative and
ultimately quite forgettable but never-the-less it's fun, obvious and enjoyable
for all the same reasons. I've no real complaints with comedy, horror parodies such as these; they're
undeniably jumping on the zombie bandwagon, uncomplicated and not particularly ambitious,
but that's ok and its far better to work within your limits than try too hard and too serious. Also competently made zombie reinterpretations of, let's say,
more female oriented cult classics are always welcome and it's not the first;
just look at Romero & Juliet aka Warm Bodies; which actually kind of worked
and it makes me wonder what might be next, Fried Green Tomatoes? Pride and Prejudice? A recommended date-night film with first rate acting, that should
also satiate that zombie itch, 6/10.
Never even heard of this one! Looks a bit like "Dance of the Dead", which was also halfway to decent. I look forward to finding this one.