Contains mild spoilers.
One of the things I
most enjoy with this blog is discovering genuinely good films I'd never have
come across normally. As I've stated in the past. I've always been a big zombie
and horror film fan and I'd watched most the popular films I've reviewed so far
before at one time or another, but any film off the beaten track was generally
missed through ignorance. What I
haven't enjoyed since starting this blog is the marketing deception that takes
place to make films seem more than they are. It seems that promoting the idea
that the film involves zombies by say, including the word zombie in the title,
or throwing a quote with the word zombie or even a picture of an apocalyptic
horde of zombies across the cover results in better sales. Now I'm not saying
the modern interpretation of the term and idea of zombie
that has been broadened to include anything that exhibits frenzied blood
thirsty unruly behaviour or a pathological herd mentality is wrong per se, but call me old fashioned, surely to
actually qualify as a zombie requires a bit of the old dying and coming back

Ok, so all that out
the way, what about the film? Zombie
Virus on Mulberry Street tells the tale of a dangerous contagious rat virus
spreads first to the residents in and around a small apartment block on
Mulberry Street, Manhattan and also isolated cases in the underground we hear
about on the news, then later across the whole of the city. Spread at first through
rat bites, the infection turns victims into frenzied mutant rat-people with an insatiable hunger for human flesh. Early symptoms are hairy ears, lethargy and
hallucinations with the final stage leads to becoming full blown mutant hybrid rat-human
monstrosities with a hunger for cheese; ok I made the cheese bit up.

Directed by Jim
Mickle builds a tight highly stylish apocalyptic scenario with confident
characters and well paced suspenseful action scenes. Given the quite frankly
absurd even for the genre premise, it does a good job telling a fluent sincere
story never resorting to over the top gore or effects, or parody, as many
b-movies do, and because of this it never loses its identity. Many apocalyptic films start from the point of no return or
just after, and it was refreshing to watch an attempt to tell the story of
normal everyday people and society going through the confusion and carnage of
the world falling apart. My only concern would be once going through the
efforts to get to the tipping point, with mutants and death on every
corner and in every house, Mickle didn't quite know where to take it and the
film loses its way a little and turns into a bit of a traditional survival
story of a small group holding out against the world.

A dark brooding
story with a slow character driven build up Zombie Virus on Mulberry Street has
a lot going for it. If you'd have told me going we weren't going to be
concerning ourselves with zombies but with rat mutants I'd have expected a
hammy b-movie full of over the top gore and would probably have given this a
miss and perhaps this is why they distanced themselves from the premise. What we
have though is not hammy or amateurish but a high stylish apocalyptic horror
story with a healthy mix of tight close claustrophobic tension and a grander
apocalyptic-scale vision of the city going to hell. Tense, stylish and scary
despite its ludicrousness, I really enjoyed it, 7/10.
Mickle later teamed up with Damici to make the bigger budgeted, apocalyptic (and I think rather good) vampire flick Stake Land.
ReplyDeleteAh, yes, you can see his brilliance and it's good to know he got the budget to try something bigger. I also thought Stake Land was rather good too.