Now if I've read the
dedicated Resident Evil fans correctly, I've gone all about this the wrong way.
You see I'd watched all the films either on or at least within a year or two of
their initial release way before being introduced to the games. I've now played
4 and 5, in the wrong order I might add and I'm very much of the mind set
they're two branches of the same tree, complimenting each other and
idealistically twinned but not necessarily needing to follow exactly the same
rules or tell the same stories. I mean from where I'm sitting the whole RE
world is a bit far fetched and incoherent so what's in a bit of artistic

Under Raccoon City
the all powerful Umbrella Corporation conduct highly dangerous and hugely
profitable top secret biological, chemical and genetic experimentation. The
research facility known as the Hive is manned by 500 people and after the
genetically engineered T-virus gets loose, the facility's artificial
intelligence kicks in and controls the situation by killing all those
contaminated and sealing itself off from the rest of the world.

Taking Alice and
Matt with them they infiltrate The Hive, uncover fellow amnesiac Spence (James
Purefoy) and explain they work for Umbrella and have been sent to investigate
why the computer AI known as The Red Queen has killed everyone and how Alice
and Spence have been gassed by the Red Queen causing them to forget they also
worked for Umbrella as a married undercover couple protecting the mansion.

The T-virus is of
course the zombie virus and the staff have all been infected. As we're
introduced to Anderson's zombies we find they adhere to the established
traditional western model; they're mindless and driven by impulse and a primal
desire for the sustenance of human flesh, they require severe head trauma
(read: bullet to the noggin) to put them
down permanently and they seem to prefer to roam in packs. As we've seen before
the T-virus is transmitted through blood so a bite or a scratch and you're in
trouble. What's interesting here though is that if treated quickly, I'm
assuming before the victim dies, there's actually an anti-virus.
With the zombie
threat released the film becomes a battle for survival with the group
desperately trying to make their way out before the automatic defences kick in
and the facility is locked down for good. On this journey Alice starts to
regain her memories and the fact she's not a helpless pretty young thing but
actually a kick-ass ultimate fighting champion. As she kicks, jumps, weaves,
punches and shoots with pin point precision through many tight action-packed
zombie sequences we realise the suspense and horror of the first half of the
film has made way for something else but it's no big loss; Anderson seems at
home with the high octane stuff and it's meticulously constructed and highly

As I've said before
I think Anderson has done a good job of paying homage to the franchise as well
as crafting a solid zombie survival story that stands up against the genre. I
don't see Resident Evil on many top zombie film lists and this is a pity as there's
really nothing really very wrong with it. Strong, stylish and a little
different, 8/10.
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Jeremy [Retro]
Visit The Madness:
HBA Curator
It is definitely one of the best zombie flicks I've seen as well. Claustrophobic is the perfect descriptive word. Welcome to the HBA and visit my page at when you have a chance.